Hug Your Local Candidate for Office

Christine L Kramar
2 min readOct 26, 2020

I ran for office 6 years ago. I am glad I did it. Even after a 20 plus year career in politics and community action the experience was harrowing. That’s why you need to reach out and hug the local candidate in your life.

This is why you should reach out to that member of your community running for that small office that maybe no one even really knows what it does, but it matters.

  1. All the attention goes to the top of the ticket. Many of the smaller races get skipped entirely. Your local candidate needs help to reach out and remind voters that they exist too. Reach out, make phone calls, post on social media.
  2. Down ticket campaigns it is all do it yourself and the family is worn out about now. Friends who came by to just hang with my kids or helped me fold laundry were a tremendous boost to what I was trying to get done. The friend from far away who sent my home a pizza was the hug I really needed.
  3. Stand at the polls with a sign for a few hours. This captures last minute voters who might skip the race. Wear a mask. Do it with your kids. Dance.
  4. Lit drop. Many campaigns are not canvassing due to concerns about COVID exposure. You can still do in a safe way door hangers on Election Day morning to remind voters who have not already voted this is the last day.
  5. Don’t call. Text. Tell them you love them and their heart fighting for the community. These mattered. Even after the votes are counted knowing that you set an example for others who saw you, saw your fight, that is what an activist needs to get right back up and do it all over again.
  6. Offer to help pull up signs after Election Day. Candidates are responsible for removal of their signs within 5–10 days after an election in most communities. Friends who offered to pull my signs just when I was the most worn out and butt hurt from losing were a tremendous support.

We need more folks ready and fierce to run for local office. It is not glamorous. It does however matter.



Christine L Kramar

Management, broadcast, & political professional. Progressive hell raiser the corporate apologists warned you about. Makes her life in PDX, LAS, VQS.